Charmed flowers

Three guesses who that last photo is.
Okay, one guess. *g*
:: waves to YSRN ::
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Italian Charms
Clay Aiken
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Italian Charms
Clay Aiken
Okay, so it's almost summer, but we've had a wonderfully long spring. I think today was the first really muggy day this year. Glad I got out yesterday!
All the human traffic (with the obligatory bread) makes for some rather brave ducks. This little guy was quite forward, even though all I had to offer was a camera lens.
His momma stayed back a bit. Oh look - a swan! Last year there was one swan here, this year I've seen 2.
Make that three! My, that is an ugly duckling...
I'd been watching the ducks and swans while chatting with some other observers when the adult swans started hissing. We hadn't moved! Then we noticed the snake. The swans chased him off, while the cygnet bravely swam away...
If you think this is a poisonous snake, please don't tell me! I like to walk here!
Or this guy:
Or this guy:
Technorati tags:
Clay Aiken
American Idol
Well, we're still missing the shower glass. Until we cough up three grand, it's a $5 shower rod matched with a $3 shower curtain for us. Hey, it works! It'll be a bit drafty in the winter, though.
I just love how the "secret" drawer came out! It's huge!
With all our starts and stops, waiting to get on the schedule of people I trusted, it took 9 months to "fix that leaky shower". I think it was well worth it!
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bathroom remodeling